118 Species Listed

Marvin, Chris and I traveled to Burns, OR, Friday, May 4th,  to participate in a birding class hosted by the Malheur Field Station and taught by Duncan Evered. Arriving Friday evening we met after dinner to set strategy for the next day. The weather was chilly during the day, below freezing at night, but promised to moderate Saturday and Sunday.

ldr_5637 Duncan had mist nets set near a feeding station so we could look at several species up close and personal (he is licensed to do this so don’t do it at home unless you have proper certification). After an hour or so examining birds we boarded the passenger van for a tour of the marshes surrounding Malheur Lake. The cold weather subdued the mosquitoes (much to our delight).

Both days were a great success. We listed 118 species in two days, not a record but provided plenty of interest. The group was congenial and all claimed a good time.


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