Wood Ducks at Ridgefield NWR

Wood ducks… in breeding plumage. We are at Ridgefield NWR and hit the jackpot.

According to our weather forecasters our winter rains are about to begin so we took the day to visit the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge in Clark County, Washington. It was a grand day, sunny, temperature about 60 degrees and a light breeze. We were able to see Great Blue Herons up close… Red Winged Blackbirds… several female Northern Harriers… Mallard Ducks, male and female… an American Bittern… Sparrow Hawks… Red Tailed Hawks… Sand Hill Cranes… thousands of Canada Geese… Great Egrets… along with numerous other unidentified waterfowl. But the highlight of the day was several Wood Ducks, some of the males were in breeding plumage.

Wood Ducks
female and male Wood Duck breeding plumage Ridgefield NWR Clark County WA




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